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Millwall owner John Berylson unexpectedly dies in tragic accident

Millwall owner John Berylson has passed away at the age of 70 in what is described as a tragic accident.

Berylson, an American businessman, became involved with Millwall in 2006 before becoming a significant shareholder of the club in 2007.

Berylson eventually replaced Stewart Till as Chairman in 2007, and went on to oversee 2 promotions to the EFL Championship during his tenure.

John Berylson Millwall FC owner
John Berylson became a majority shares owner of Millwall in 2007. Image credit: Sky Sports

Millwall released a statement regarding his death “It is with a collective broken heart and the deepest of regret that we announce the passing of our beloved owner and chairman, John Berylson”

“John’s sudden and tragic passing will unquestionably impact all those who were fortunate to have known him. He was a truly great man, incredibly devoted to his family, and a person of such remarkable generosity, warmth, and kindness.

“He lived a storied life, one full of colour and joy, and was infinitely thoughtful of others with an endless desire to share his immense knowledge and experiences to help people.”

“Under John’s passionate leadership and guidance, Millwall has enjoyed tremendous success and stability.

“Since first becoming involved in the club in 2006, he has presided over some of the greatest moments in Millwall’s history, and his influence in providing the platform for those was immeasurable.

“John continued to speak eagerly about the new season and his vision for the future, and any success moving forward will be in his memory and honour. It will be his legacy.

“John revelled in the club’s underdog status and mentality. He related strongly to such values and identity and adored Millwall supporters.

“He was fiercely loyal to all his staff, and both they and the fan base will miss him beyond measure.”

John Berylson Millwall promotion to EFL Championship
Berylson oversaw some of Millwall FC’s finest moments whilst in charge of the club. Image credit: The Mirror

Berylson passed away on the 4th of July 2023 as a result of a ‘tragic accident’, although details surrounding his death have not been released.

This comes shortly after the losses of both Scottish legend Craig Brown and Liverpool recordbreaker Max Thompson, in what has become a sad few weeks for the world of football.

Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.