In a heartbreaking incident, a promising 17-year-old footballer, Luke Bennett, lost his life after being tragically electrocuted while playing football with his friends.
The incident, which occurred at Euxton Villa FC, has left his family, friends, and the football community devastated.
Luke’s untimely demise serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safety and raises awareness about the potential dangers of electrical hazards.
Luke Bennett, a resident of Chorley, Lancashire, was a talented young footballer associated with AFC Fylde.
Known for his skills as a winger, Luke had already left a lasting impression during his time at academies such as Blackburn Rovers, Burnley FC, and Preston North End.
His dedication and passion for the sport had earned him the respect and admiration of his teammates and coaches.
On a fateful day in March 2021, Luke joined seven of his friends for a casual kickabout. Little did they know that this innocent game would take a tragic turn.
Around 6pm, while goofing around, Luke, along with Lewis Geszke and Ben Wilcock, began playing with a metal pole that was typically used to separate the subs bench from the pitch. Unbeknownst to them, their actions would have devastating consequences.
As Luke, Lewis, and Ben attempted to straighten the metal pole, it came into contact with or made close proximity to an overhead power line, resulting in a surge of 11,000 volts coursing through their bodies.
The immense electrical shock threw all three boys to the ground, causing immediate distress and panic among their friends who witnessed the incident.
While Lewis and Ben regained consciousness after a brief period, Luke’s condition worsened. Despite initially standing up after the shock, Luke collapsed shortly after, leaving his friends and onlookers in shock and despair.
Efforts were made to perform CPR on Luke, but tragically, they were unable to revive him. The loss of such a young and vibrant individual has left an indelible mark on the lives of his loved ones.
At the subsequent inquest held at County Hall in Preston, Luke’s devastated father, Thomas Bennett, shared his heart-wrenching account of that fatal day.
He described Luke as the “life and soul of the party” and spoke fondly of his son’s infectious personality. It was a stark reminder that behind every tragedy lies a grieving family, shattered by the loss of their beloved child.
Football clubs, academies, and community organizations must take proactive measures to ensure that playing fields and training grounds are safe environments for young athletes.
Regular safety inspections, risk assessments, and the implementation of clear guidelines regarding potential hazards are vital to prevent tragic accidents like the one that claimed Luke’s life.
Luke Bennett’s tragic passing has left an irreplaceable void in the football community, where his talent and potential shone brightly. As friends, family, and teammates mourn his loss, they will undoubtedly carry his memory in their hearts and strive to honor his legacy.
Let us remember Luke as a young athlete full of dreams and aspirations, and let his untimely death be a call to action for improved.